A comprehensive search app for Ahadees of Rasulullah SA and Akaleem of Amirul Mumineen AS.
This app consists of the famous Shehab Nabawi - الشهاب النبوي and none other than Alfo Kalimatin Mukhtara - الف كلمة مختارة - The two famous books of Ahadees and Akaleem.
Exclusively this app also consists of the All Time Favourite - Raudat Hidayaat - 1-2-3 and all Ahadees and Akaleem in theses five famous books.
Total number of Ahadees and Akaleem reaches upto 3000 in number.
Books can be easily browsed and each and every book can be separately searched for a single Hadees or Kalaam - as well as collective search is also encorporated to ease the process of finding a specific text.
Big fonts for good readability and a different and sleek design for nice interface.